Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 45: Tuesday 1 December 2009 – Hair Raising Experiences.

Ever since I arrived in Siem Reap, I’ve been fascinated by the sheer quantity of hair salons, if you can call them that, located in the town.  There’s a cluster of extremely colourful and very busy little businesses on Wat Bo Road, near Globalteer House. 

We female volunteers frequently moan about the condition of our hair.  With the heat, dust and hard water, many of our tresses feel like straw, almost at breaking point.  Others are battling with re-growth after being here for a couple of months.  Some have risked a visit to a local hairdresser, the results have been predictable;  one resulting in a head of yellow, the other bright pink.  For me it’s been a pony tale, every single day, hiding the grey and doubling as nit prevention.  And, an appointment already scheduled for my regular hairdresser in Hong Kong!

Tell me you’d dare brief any of these hair “specialists” with blond highlights?

Meanwhile, thanks to the donation of fifty bottles of lice treatment from a group of visiting Jesuits last month, our little ones are being de-loused by the very brave male volunteers!

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