Monday, November 8, 2010

Love Songs and Dedications

One of the great things about New Hope’s volunteer program is that it attracts so many interesting people with so many different skill sets and incredible life stories.  For the past week we’ve had a great lady, Lois, who runs her own real estate agency in Lennox Head.  She is also a professionally-trained singer who has performed in numerous plays and musicals in Australia. 

At New Hope Lois shared her talent with the advanced English class – a group of some 15 gorgeous young men ranging from about 15 through to 25.  They belted out Air Supply’s “All Out of Love” with such passion, it bought tears to our eyes. 

At the back of the class, Touen, the gorgeous Downs Syndrome boy who is cared for by the village, belted out his own version, swaying, perfectly out of time, with his hand on his heart.  A complete crack up, it was beautiful.

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