Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 13: Saturday 31 October 2009 - Creepy Crawlies for Halloween

Today is all about food, if you can call it that.  “Food” in the sense of my very worst nightmare and most appropriate for Halloween Eve!

It all began with Danni’s warped desire to eat “serious” local food which started with tarantulas and crickets, the latter which she heard went down beautifully with a cold beer, and extended to include cockroaches, larvae of some description, frog, snake,   So, the mission began to hunt down this fine cuisine, aided by a local Khmer teacher (little Danni) working at another Globalteer project (Grace House).  Ann volunteered to support (big) Danni while Gill and I happily observed from a safe distance, behind the lenses of our cameras.  The pictures say it all!

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