Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 12: Friday 30 October 2009 - New Hope Community Centre, Siem Reap

I spent this morning correcting Wednesday’s math’s tests but given the atrocious results, I’m too scared to give them back to the students.  Word has it that they take poor results so badly that they’ve been known to burst into tears in class.  I couldn’t take that under the best of circumstances and don’t want to be responsible for destroying their confidence any more than it already is. 

‘Cha (Teacher) received flowers yesterday.  Today it was a HUGE shiny black bug of some description which one of the little monkeys devilishly placed on my stomach.  It would have made a brilliant accessory (last season doesn’t count in Cambodia), if it hadn’t sunk a claw into my stomach and been flicked across the room with a mighty shriek, much to the delight of those watching.   Gross! 

It was fun day today which meant more drawing (introducing patterns and textures).  I got my  older class to scan magazines, cut out pictures and write stories to describe them.  They loved it and I loved watching them laugh like the true teenagers they are, describing ‘handsome boys’, ‘cool jeans’ and mobile phones.   They were so proud of their results, asking whether we could put them up on the walls in the classroom and to do the activity again next week. 

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