Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 9: New Hope Community Centre, Siem Reap

Today was relatively non-eventful, at least by New Hope standards.  The little ones appear to have ‘learned the rules’ and are actually becoming well behaved.  It’s amazing what can be achieved in just one week!  Those still nicking the pencils and crayons are frequently dragged up to me by another student and forced to hand over their stash.  “Teacher, teacher”, they say as they point at the pencils, fully dobbing in their ‘friend’.  It’s hilarious.

Charlie will be thrilled to know that we introduced her “Five little monkeys jumping on the bed” today.  Needs some work but we’ll get there. 

Apart from that, I administered first aid on a toddler with burns on his little hand, while Sherry raced off to hospital in our makeshift ambulance (a la jeep) with one of the women from the villages.  We’re visiting her in hospital tomorrow, I really hope she makes it. 

Tomorrow is Math’s day so I’m madly cramming.  (Can’t face being outdone by  these little things!). 

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