Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 8: Tragic news from Siem Reap

Today’s entry comes from Kerry and Khemsour, Directors of New Hope, announcing the tragic news from the weekend.

I bring extremely sad and tragic news to all our friends, supporters and carers, the drownings of two little angels yesterday, in a pond at Mondul 3.  

Two sweet girls, aged 8 and 12 years, both from different families, were found still clinging to each other in the water after drowning.  The village locals were searching into the night late last night for the bodies.

The first darling had no father, mother had HIV and Hepatitis, the second no father, mother had TB.  Apparently when they awoke yesterday morning, there was no food to eat for breakfast, which we all know is common for these families.  So both girls in their school uniforms on their way to school Saturday morning, decided to stop at the pond and catch some fish to eat.

Their funerals were today, one was buried and one was cremated.  I do not yet have the names of the families, but both girls attended New Hope.  

Please, I beg each and every one of you to envisage the critical situation of these humble but desperate families, and implore you to please help.  We need to do more.  We need more sponsored families, as 99% of sponsored families are flourishing, we need more funds in general for rice for unsponsored families, we need tarpaulins, mosquito nets, mats, we need schoolbooks, funds for teachers.  We are planning to build our new medical clinic, to treat more people before it's too late.

Recently we have had deaths of many fathers in particular, a 42 year old dropped dead after cutting rice to support his young family, a 52 year old died of Hepatitis B, a 28 year old father died of stomach problems, leaving a young family, mainly because of no free medical for adults whatsoever in Cambodia.

New Hope Clinic treats approximately 200 patients per week, out of one small room, most of which would receive no care otherwise, from minor to critical illnesses.

This village is starving, you will all remember only a few months ago our little 7 year old died from eating poisonous toads.

My whole being is completely crushed by the news of 2 young lives thrown away for no reason whatsoever, we have a formula and the facilities to stop this waste of human life. All we need is funds, if everyone could open their hearts and give just a little, it would not alter your lifestyle in western world whatsoever, but could stop these disasters from happening in Mondul 3.  We need funds for our new clinic, which will treat more adults and children, who perhaps would otherwise die. We need funds for seeds and fertilizer for families to start farming, we need more bicycles for kids to get to school.  

I would like to thank the sponsors that have donated funds for school uniforms and bicycles recently, and rest assured every dollar is spent on the children and families.  I apologise for not personally responding directly to each and every one of you to thank you for your wonderful input.  Personal letters are still on my to do list, and our Newsletter is more than 2 months overdue. 

Believe me, the work here is endless, but the rewards are great when we look into the eyes of both the children and the mothers or fathers.

Briefly, we have taken our 8th child in crisis into our shelter home, we have called her Sok Somnang, meaning lost child with no father or mother or family, and with very good luck and good fortune in being found.  Somnang is 3 years old, her mother is a karaoke worker and is dying of Aids, no father known.  Somnang used to sit in the street all day every day and would receive a bit of food from neighbours.  She is the size of an 18 month old western child with skin infections over her scalp and her body.

I have attached a recent photo, sent to me by Doctor Chong from Singapore, a visitor/photographer and supporter, and even he recognised her desperate situation weeks ago.

A gracious thankyou to everyone from around the world on this very sad day,

Kerry and Kemsour. 

For anyone interested in contributing to New Hope, please visit www.newhopecambodia.com .  So far my friends and family have contributed five bikes, $20.00 from Sam and Amelia (they raided their piggy banks), and an offer from Nick to provide tools from his company, Irwin Tools, to help build a new clinic. 

Thank you all.

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