Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 19: Friday 6 November 2009 - New Hope

Today brought a surprise visit from Simon.  He’s doing business in Bangkok at the moment (yet another Fashion Festival!), and flew up to check out things at New Hope.  He arrived in time to catch the afternoon session at school; played cricket with the children, skipped with the girls, and I even caught him singing nursery rhymes with the little ones.  Kerry gave him a tour of one of the local villages where our New Hope kids come from and as you can imagine, I think it has left a lasting impression.  He returned from the tour completely shell-shocked, filthy and completely exhausted from the intensity of the heat. 

Meanwhile, it was ‘Fun Friday’ again, meaning more brilliant craft efforts from my older kids.  The second group wanted to repeat the magazine stories from last week, which they had a ball with.  (See the story about Alex Perry, I’m going to send it to him).  The final class was an absolute riot of colour, shapes and glitter, which they ended up wearing from head to toe.  They had a brilliant time working as a group, and we had trouble getting them to leave at the end of the day.

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