Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 24: Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 November 2009 – New Hope

Today brought more visitors, this time my friend Paige’s parents, Tommy and Michelle, who were visiting Siem Reap after catching up with Paige, Nathan and the boys in Singapore.  They were keen to learn more about New Hope and brought a big suitcase of clothes Oliver’s hand-me-downs, generously donated by Paige.

On Thursday I pulled together all the little boys and fitted them out with groovy boardshorts, t-shirts and undies. They were absolutely rapt!

A few of you have asked how you can help and to get more involved in supporting New Hope.  What New Hope needs most is money to continue to provide education and basic health care to it's villagers, and to help fund the planned new school and clinic.  It also desperately needs sponsorship of families to whom they provide rice, mosquito nets, mats for sleeping and where possible, a bike.  They also desperately need clothes (baby through to teenagers) but the problem is that unless they are couriered, it's likely they'll be hijacked at Customs and end up on sale in one of the three markets!

Please don't feel obligated - this is my journey after all, and I don't want anyone to feel pressured.  But, if  you feel that way inclined, please let me know and I'll tell you the best way to go about it.

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