Monday, October 25, 2010

Floods and Family Outings

It’s winter in Cambodia but you’d never know it.  Today was beyond stinking.  Revolting.  But at least the flood water in Siem Reap has subsided which is more than I can say for the road from Battambang yesterday. 

Arriving here just over a week ago, from the air the town looked as though it was completely submerge.  The road outside Diamond Villas, where many of the New Hope volunteers are staying was completely flooded, as was the back yard.  When draining the yard they discovered two catfish which had managed to swim the 800m from the river to our back yard, winding up on the dinner plates of the staff.

Meanwhile, on the return trip from a weekend in Battambang, our car was caught in a traffic jam in the middle of nowhere.  Local Cambodians descended on the worst of the flood waters, bringing with them tyre tubes, floaties, fishing rods and picnics, the children frolicking in the muddied waters.   They've since broken out in body rashes, colds and bouts of all sorts of stomach bugs.  Nice.    

Does Team Wheel2Wheel really know what it's getting itself into?

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