You may wonder how this clean living wholefood-obsessed vegetarian is coping in Cambodia. Very well. Actually, too well. With volunteers coming and going on practically a weekly basis, there is always an occasion to celebrate and to cement new friendships . As such, we’re out most night experimenting with the huge amount of restaurants in town, working our way through a huge menu of Khmer dishes – and $2.00 cocktails.
Everyone’s all time favourite is Fish Amok, of which there are a number of varieties however the most outstanding is the soufflé-style version from Sugar Palm which I’ll be learning all about next weekend when I do my cooking course. (My extremely ungrateful father is pretty excited that I may actually learn to cook something other than stir fries!).
Way, way too often we wrap our nights with a scoop or two of Svenssons icecream – the most deliciously creamy and ultra-fattening – which we scoff as we bump and slide all over the back of our tuk tuks on the way back to Globalteer House.
The quality of the produce is however extremely poor and we’re all beginning to feel the effects of vitamin and mineral depletion. Matched with sleep deprivation caused by coffin-style mattresses, barking dogs and hot, mosquito-infested nights, we’re sporting black bags under our eyes, head colds, and chest infections. The topic of conversation this morning was how we’ve noticed that our multivitamins no longer give us yellow pee – they’re working overtime instead!
Can I tempt anyone?
In case you’re wondering, I’m still very much the vegetarian, even more so after confronting on a daily basis the smells and sights of slaughtered or death row animals.
awwwww those pig heads are incredible --- wow!!!! can't wait to hear more and be content sipping miso soup with you back in oz in 2010!! xxx keep going jodi darling xxx