Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day 41: Friday 27 November 2009 – Creative Geniuses.

After two days of being bedridden with a shocking flu, and a reaction to the super-strength medication I’d brought across the counter, I returned to New Hope for Fun Friday.  But before I go on, please be assured that I didn’t do a Britney and shave my head, nor the Stillnox bingeing in the night as Sam feared in a hysterical email!  I’m fine, now.

Today was a brilliant day of creativity with all of the classes.  I’m continually surprised at how creative these kids are and am thrilled to see the satisfaction and pride on their faces.  The only sad thing is that they rarely take home their works of art, rather leaving it for me as a gift or to hang in the classroom.  But then again, they don’t have any fridges or dedicated walls to display their genius.  It’s so sad. 

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