Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day 37: Tuesday 24 November 2009 – Angels and Skeletons.

As if out to please Janet on her last day, our little monkeys behaved like absolute angels today. I’m pleased to report that after five weeks, they now no longer jump us for pencils, crayons or whatever. Rather, they sit with their hands on their heads (I know, it’s probably not ideal – but it works!) until we quietly hand them their craft accessories.

Their repertoire of songs is growing, though I have to be honest, I’m not sure if this “Wiggle” can keep up the enthusiasm of “Wheels on the Car” once Janet is gone … I should have recorded more songs with Polly and Charlie on our pre-Cambodian road trips to Inverloch.

At least today, there were no shouts for ‘Cha’ (teacher) or “moy, moy” (me or one, I can’t work it out!). Let’s hope it lasts.

Adding excitement to our Group 1 class today was our very own skeleton – Sherry, the Administration Manager, decked out in her Halloween costume. It was hysterical – but not as hysterical as one little child was when Sherry went visiting the other classes post ours!

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