Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day 36: Monday 23 November 2009 – A Visit to the National Museum.

Today Janet and I took our class of older kids (sixteen plus year olds) together with three Khmer Teaching Assistants and the Admin Assistant (!) to the National Museum.  Piling them into the back of Kemsour’s truck, it was somewhat more manageable than my experience with the 40 girls from Gill’s class weeks ago.  

It was an incredible to watch their enthusiasm and interest, some took pages and pages of notes.  One girl, Srey Meas, was physically intimidated by the scale of Museum and for the first ten minutes, clung to Janet.  Later, another girl, Sita, took my hand and happily dragged me around from one exhibit to another.  They were so well behaved, we couldn’t help but compare them to teenagers back home.  

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